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The International Federation of Film Distributors' and Publishers' Associations (FIAD) has released its 2024 Manifesto

FIAD represents and promotes the interests of national associations of film distributors and publishers at the European Union level. Member companies of the associations invest in and release films of all styles and genres. Therefore, FIAD is unique as through the national associations it represents film distributors that release the whole range of films that are brought to audiences across Europe.

With this in mind, FIAD promotes the concept of connecting diverse films to diverse audiences. Across Europe, audiences have different tastes and film distributors release films of all genres to meet audiences’ expectations.

At the core of FIAD’s mission is to highlight the role of film distributors as a critical element in the film-ecosystem in Europe, investing in films and connecting finished films to audiences in the cinema and other media.

The FIAD Manifesto is a call to action to decision makers in Brussels and national capitals, inviting them to engage with FIAD and consider the priorities of film distributors when proposing policy at the European Union level. 

Robert Heslop – Secretary General of FIAD – welcomed the publication of the manifesto in a statement: 

"We at FIAD are glad to release this manifesto, outlining the vital role performed by film distributors in the film-ecosystem in Europe and calling on decision makers to consider the needs of film distributors when determining legislation. This manifesto serves as a one stop shop to gain insight into film distribution and the core pillars central to FIAD's advocacy. I would like to thank the FIAD Members for their collaboration and input into this manifesto which serves as a benchmark for FIAD activity over the coming years"

FIAD represents national film distributor-publisher associations in 13 territories across Europe and one single company in one territory. Combined through its membership, FIAD represents over 200 film distributor-publisher companies that invest in and release films of all style and genre. 


  • Austria - Film and Music Austria (FAMA)

  • Belgium – Film Matters Belgium

  • Denmark - Foreningen Af Filmudlejere (FAFID)

  • Finland - Suomen Filmikamari ry (Filmikamari)

  • France - Fédération Nationale des Editeurs de Films (FNEF)

  • Germany - All Screens

  • Malta - KRS Film Distributors LTD

  • The Netherlands - NVPI Film

  • Norway – Norske Filmdistributørers Forening (Norwegian Film Distributors Association)

  • North Macedonia - Asocijacija na filmski distributeri na Makedonija (afidi)

  • Spain - Federació de Distribuidores Cinematográficos (Fedicine)

  • Sweden - Sveriges Filmuthyrareforening Upa

  • Switzerland - Filmdistribution Schweiz (fds)

  • United Kingdom – The Film Distributors’ Association (FDA)



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