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MEPs rally in support of Creative Europe Programme head of CULT’s vote on Implementation Report

On 19 September, MEPs of the CULT’s Committee of the European Parliament met to discuss the Implementation of the Creative Europe programme 2021-2027. They expressed their support for the report drafted by MEP Massimiliano Smeriglio (S&D, IT).

Their insights shed light on the program's current performance and offer valuable perspectives on its future trajectory. FIAD welcomes these expressions of support, signifying a shared commitment to bolstering the effectiveness of the Creative Europe programme, addressing its challenges, and ensuring its enduring role in supporting the positive evolution of the film industry within Europe.

MEP Massimiliano Smeriglio introduced a balanced text that not only encompasses the entirety of the Creative Europe 2021-2027 program but also delves into the unique characteristics of each of its three constituent strands: Culture, MEDIA, and Cross-Sectoral. During his presentation, MEP Smeriglio extended gratitude to stakeholders who participated in a consultative April hearing, an event where FIAD also had a notable presence. A critical point emphasized by MEP Smeriglio was the absorption of the 2020 budget increase by soaring inflation, highlighting the pressing issue of severe underfunding plaguing the Creative Europe program.

The shadow rapporteurs from the major political groups intervened during this morning's meeting to welcome Smeriglio’s draft report. Among them, MEP Frankowski (EPP, PL) commended the report's balance, emphasizing the challenges in addressing various program components. He mentioned plans to table amendments, focusing on increasing support for the music sector and funding for translators in the book sector.

MEP Farreng (Renew, FR) emphasized the effectiveness of the program but noted specific issues and administrative burdens. she warned against reducing the program's budget, highlighting its attractiveness and the need for strong support in music and the gaming sectors. MEP Nienass (Greens, DE) floated the idea of creating a dedicated section for gaming within the program, a proposition that received cautious feedback from the Commission, articulated by Georg Haeusler, Director of DG EAC.D (culture, creativity, and sport). Haeusler underscored the need for careful consideration, as such a move could potentially lead to compartmentalization, which should be approached with caution.

FIAD will continue to monitor and follow this important Report’s journey through the European Parliament.



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