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Film /AV sector regrets that the European Parliament missed the chance to make a safer internet

FIAD joins forces with organisations representing the creative and business communities of the film and audiovisual sector in Europe regret that the European Parliament plenary vote on the Digital Services Act failed to achieve the stated goal of making internet intermediaries more accountable and creating a safer, better-functioning online environment for everyone.

Although the European Parliament intended to broaden the KYBC provision to apply to all online intermediaries, the due diligence obligations remain too weak and narrow.

Critical elements, such as the immediate removal of illegal content and an enforceable trusted flagger mechanism should be improved in the upcoming trilogue negotiations.

We encourage the EU co-legislators to show ambition and to ensure that the final DSA does not represent a step backwards neither in terms of the fight against illegal content online, nor by granting additional, unwarranted liability exemptions to online intermediaries. The EU institutions should now deliver on the political ambition of ensuring that what is illegal offline is illegal online.

Find the full press release here.



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