FIAD welcomes the Norwegian Film Distributors Association
The Members of the International Film Distributors’ and Publishers’ Associations (FIAD) met in Cannes on 23 May for the 2022 General Assembly of FIAD. At the General Assembly the FIAD members unanimously voted to admit the Norwegian Film Distributors Association as a new member.
Robert Heslop – Secretary General of FIAD – welcomed FIAD’s newest member in a statement: “We are delighted to welcome the Norwegian Film Distributors Association to FIAD. The Norwegian film market is well established, diverse and the source of many internationally renowned films that are enjoyed by millions across the world. Film distributors in Norway are at the very heart of this eco-system and FIAD is thrilled to start cooperating with the Norwegian Association to ensure that the voice of film distributors is heard loud and clearly by policy makers and legislators. Welcoming the Norwegian Film Distributors Association shows that despite the challenges facing the film sector in Europe FIAD is a pro-active association that is growing in numbers, representativeness and strength.”
Having been informed that the FIAD Members voted to admit the Norwegian Film Distributors Association Agnethe Sophie Buus Jensen – CEO of the Association – said: “We are excited to be part of FIAD and work together with our fellow European associations. Sharing knowledge and experience is more important than ever after the pandemic setback.”
With the Norwegian Association now a member, FIAD represents national film distributor associations in 13 territories across Europe and one single company in 1 territory:
Combined through its membership FIAD represents over 200 film distribution companies - small and medium-sized companies specialized in European films as well as larger companies focused on mainstream films.
Austria - Film and Music Austria (FAMA)
Belgium – Film Matters Belgium
Denmark - Foreningen Af Filmudlejere (FAFID)
Finland - Suomen Filmikamari ry (Filmikamari)
France - Fédération Nationale des Editeurs de Films - FNEF
Germany - Verband der Filmverleiher e.V.
Malta - KRS Film Distributors LTD
The Netherlands - Filmdistributeurs Nederland
Norway – Norske Filmdistributørers Forening (Norwegian Film Distributors Association)
North Macedonia - Asocijacija na filmski distributeri na Makedonija (afidi)
Spain - Federació de Distribuidores Cinematográficos (Fedicine)
Switzerland - Filmdistribution Schweiz (fds)
Sweden - Sveriges Filmuthyrareforening Upa
United Kingdom – Film Distributors’ Association