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FIAD welcomes increased support for film distributors in 2022 MEDIA Programme

The Creative Europe MEDIA programme provides valuable support to film distributors who invest in and bring culturally diverse and award winning European films to a variety of audiences across Europe.

Given the importance of this task and the challenges faced by film distributors with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic FIAD welcomes the increased support to the two schemes designed for film distributors: European Film Distribution and Films on the Move.

Concretely, support to European Film Distribution has increased from €29.9 million in 2021 to €33 million in 2022. Moreover, support to Films on the Move has been boosted from €11 million in 2021 to €16 million Euros in 2022.

Films on the move aims at increasing the circulation of European works and widen their pan-European audience by supporting theatrical and online distribution of non-national European films. Support will focus on pan-European distribution strategies coordinated by European companies for the distribution of European films with a focus on emerging talents and films for new audiences. Costs for marketing, branding, distribution and exhibition of audiovisual works will be financed.

The European Film Distribution support shall encourage and support the wider transnational distribution of recent European films by providing funds to European distributors, based upon their performance on the market, for further reinvestment in the acquisition, promotion and distribution (including online) of recent non-national European films

Find the 2022 Work Programme here.




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