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FIAD welcomes European Parliament's support for revised AVMSD

On 9 May the European Parliament in its Plenary session in Strasbourg adopted an own-initiative report on the Audiovisual Media Services (AVMD)'s implementation. In the Report the Parliament has aligned itself with crucial points that FIAD has advocated for throughout this Report’s parliamentary cycle. The vote in Strasbourg saw 543 lawmakers favour the implementation report, with 40 against and 40 abstentions.

FIAD has been at the forefront of the debate and discussion for this Report, particularly during a roundtable meeting with MEP Kammervert, the Rapporteur for the Report on the AVMSD. It is encouraging to see that two key points championed by FIAD during this meeting and subsequent engagement with MEPs have been echoed in the Parliament's report.

Firstly, the Parliament has affirmed a strong position on maintaining an open and broad definition of 'European works'. This aligns with FIAD's position that a broad definition is essential to nourish the European audiovisual-cinematographic ecosystem. Such a perspective allows the ecosystem to produce, distribute, and showcase diverse, high-quality works reflecting the richness of European cultures and talents.

Secondly, the Parliament has shown commitment to enhance the prominence of European works. This aligns with FIAD’s emphasis on the implementation of the obligation in Article 13(1) of the AVMSD.

MEPs offered a considered and careful analysis of the Report as they recognised the challenges and limitations in conducting a full-scale evaluation at present due to delays in transposition. It criticized some Member States for their tardiness in transposing the Directive and reprimanded the Commission for its hesitation to initiate infringement procedures against these States, which undermines the Directive's effectiveness.

FIAD remains committed to engaging with policymakers and regulators at both European and national levels to ensure the successful implementation of the Directive. This continued engagement is key to fostering a vibrant and diverse European audiovisual landscape.



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