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FIAD Secretariat attends the second edition of Film Sector Day

On March 19 2024, the FIAD Secretariat participated in the second edition of the Film Sector Day in Brussels, a collaborative effort by Film Matters and the Federation des Cinemas de Belgique/ Federatie van Cinema’s van België (FCB). The event provided attendees with a wealth of insights into the challenges and opportunities facing the Belgian film industry.

Alain De Greef, Secretary General of Film Matters, kicked off the day by shedding light on the latest developments within the Belgian film landscape. He showcased the analytical tools available to Film Matters members, emphasizing their role in analyzing audience behaviour, box office trends and essential theatrical metrics.

Robert Heslop, Secretary General of FIAD, was invited on stage to address the audience about FIAD's lobbying efforts on EU policy. Robert highlighted FIAD's key role in advocating for the preservation of the film sector’s exemption from the Geo-blocking Regulation, during a crucial European Parliament vote in December. Through detailed analysis and strategic engagement, FIAD successfully defended the interests of film distributors, ensuring the integrity of territoriality within the European film industry.

Throughout the day, industry experts shared their perspectives on various aspects of the film sector. Thierry Laermans, Secretary General of FCB, provided valuable insights into the challenges faced by Belgian cinemas, while Laure Galtier from UNIC offered a comprehensive overview of how the theatrical market across European countries performed in 2023, setting the stage for informed discussions.

Johanna Koljonen's presentation on "The Nostradamus Report" from Sweden offered a captivating glimpse into the future of cinema, stimulating dialogue on emerging trends and innovations. During her engaging session, media analyst Johanna Koljonen offered a comprehensive analysis of the study, highlighting the necessity for proactive distribution strategies. She provocatively stated that "there is no more room for lazy distribution," emphasizing the significance of adapting to technological advancements and shifting business models. Koljonen delved into the impact of AI technologies, evolving streaming platforms, and the challenges of advertising on social media platforms. These insights underscored the present and future challenges facing distributors while also presenting new opportunities, such as fostering stronger connections with local audiences.

The afternoon sessions delved deeper into key industry topics, with presentations on numbers and figures from Matthew Deboysere of VAF, insights from Sylvain Bethenod on "The Vertigo Study," and discussions on distributors' strategies and marketing by Anny Schmit. Stijn Vanspauwen explored premium formats and experiences in cinema exhibitions, providing valuable perspectives on evolving audience preferences.



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