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FIAD congratulates MEPs for sending strong message on importance of territorial exclusivity

On 25 May the Culture & Education (CULT) Committee of the European Parliament discussed the Own Initiative Report "Implementation of the 2018 Geo-blocking Regulation in the digital single market" and sent a strong message on how important it is that the film and audiovisual sector remain exempt from the Regulation to ensure the financing, production, distribution and exhibition of diverse films across Europe.

In the exchange, the Chair of the Committee and Rapporteur for the CULT Opinion of the Report - MEP Sabine Verheyen (EPP,DE) expressed strong support to the film and audiovisual sector: “territoriality is absolutely fundamental in order to maintain cultural and linguistic diversity in Europe”.

These sentiments were echoed by MEPs working on the Opinion. MEP João Albuquerque (S&D, PT) said in his remarks: “territorial licensing of rights is crucial to the creation and distribution of diverse content, as well as to ensure the proper remuneration of the creators and performers and the sustainability of the sector overall”. So too thought MEPs Tomasz Frankowski (EPP, PL) for whom geo-blocking is “very important for the financing” of the audiovisual-sector. Ilana Cicurel (Renew, FR) added that “audiovisual geoblocking is still justified and cannot be abolished from one day to the next”.

The European Commission, represented by Deputy Head of the Copyright Unit at DG CNECT Emmanuelle du Chalard, intervened and said the Commission “identified possible impacts that the extension of the scope [of the Regulation] would have on the dynamics of the audiovisual industry that you have all mentioned today”.

FIAD commends the MEPs within the CULT Committee for their continued support on this critical issue for the film and audiovisual sector eco-system, including film distributors.

FIAD and its members will remain steadfast in our advocacy for a vibrant and diverse European audiovisual landscape.



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