FIAD congratulates Members of the European Parliament for adopting a Report “on the implementation of the Creative Europe Programme 2021-2027”
Strasbourg, 16.01.2024 - FIAD congratulates Members of the European Parliament for adopting a Report “on the implementation of the Creative Europe Programme 2021-2027”.
Robert Heslop, Secretary General of FIAD, said after the vote:
“Today, MEPs have recognized the importance of the Creative Europe programme in supporting cultural diversity across Europe, including the MEDIA scheme targeted at enhancing the film- audiovisual sector. Within MEDIA, the European Film Distribution and European Film Sales Support schemes are valuable instruments that give a boost to the circulation of European films across the continent. Film distributors take risks by investing in and bringing non-national European films to audiences. MEDIA support offsets some of this risk and therefore must continue to be at the core of a well-financed Creative Europe Programme.”
FIAD would like to draw attention to the following aspects of the Report and thank MEP Massimiliano Smeriglio - as Rapporteur for the Report - and other Members of the CULT Committee for their careful and considered approach throughout the process:
17. Highlights that the current Creative Europe programme, despite the significantly increased budget for the period 2021-2027, is still oversubscribed; calls on the Commission and the Member States, in this regard, to substantially increase the financial allocation of the Creative Europe programme 2028-2034;
38. Acknowledges that the Media strand remains the main European instrument providing strategic support to the independent audiovisual sector, which consists primarily of small and medium-sized companies; highlights the significant international competition that European audiovisual, cinema and videogame sectors are facing and the crucial support this strand offers for recovery and transformation of these sectors and for increasing the EU’s strategic autonomy; stresses,
41. Underlines the vital roles of the European Film Distribution and European Film Sales support schemes in contributing to the cultural diversity of the European audiovisual sector by increasing the cross-border circulation of European films and offsetting some of the risks distributors take when investing in the production, distribution and promotion of non-national European films; stresses, therefore, that it is essential for funding for both schemes to be increased and for further efforts to be made to ensure the wider circulation and online availability of European works

The International Federation of Film Distributors' Associations (FIAD) represents national organisations of film distribution companies and therefore covering the entire range of companies: small and medium-sized companies specialized in art house films, as well as larger companies focused on mainstream films. FIAD's members operate in 14 countries where they cover 90 to 100 percent of the theatrical market