FIAD members are encouraged by the result in JURI on the SatCab Regulation Proposal

The European Parliament's Committee on Legal Affairs (JURI) voted today to limit the scope of the “European Commission’s Proposal for a Regulation laying down rules on the exercise of copyright and related rights applicable to certain online transmissions of broadcasting organisations and retransmissions” to news and current affairs.
FIAD members are encouraged by the outcome as it significantly limits the application of the country of origin principle. Excluding films from the scope of the Regulation is an important step in recognising the importance of territoriality which is the basis of the European content production and distribution industry.
Secretary General of FIAD, Nikolas Moschakis, said in a statement, "We welcome the choice of the JURI MEPs to limit the scope of the Regulation to news and current affairs, allowing European audiovisual industry to continue offering as much diverse content as possible to European consumers. The audiovisual ecosystem is very sensitive and maintaining its balance is paramount. We are happy that Members of the Parliament have understood this and voted at the right direction."