Call for Tenders for study on the circulation of European films

The Commission has issued a Call for Tender for a study on the “Circulation of European films: the distribution sector perspective.” As the Call states, the study looks to see from the distribution sector perspective the drivers and obstacles of circulating non-national European films both within the EU and abroad.
The Commission hopes with the results to draft annual work programmes and calls for proposals for the new Creative Europe’s MEDIA sub-programme and its mid-term evaluation. The Commission also hopes to use the results to trigger communication between the Member States and the Commission in regards to the Communication in May on “European film in the digital era.”
The Communication on European film in the digital era: bridging cultural diversity and competitiveness focuses on ways to facilitate the cross-border distribution of European film via new technologies, like Video on Demand (VoD). The Commission proposed in the Communication two objectives. The first objective regards funding from national sources and Creative Europe throughout the various stages of a film’s creation. The second objective regards the tool of flexible release window structures.
It is clear that this study will form the basis for potential policy changes that the Commission will undertake in the future. Further information on this Call for Tender can be found here.