May 25, 2021
'What is illegal offline should also be illegal online’ must be at heart of DSA legislative process
FIAD welcomes the European Commission’s proposal on the Digital Services Act (DSA), but urges that changes be made so that the DSA can be...
May 19, 2021
FIAD welcomes Council Conclusions reiterating importance of territoriality exclusivity
With the European film sector and film distributors still reeling from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic the importance of preserving a...
Apr 20, 2021
Parliament's report on Media & Audiovisual Action Plan at a critical time for film sector's recovery
The ongoing COVID-19 crisis presents unprecedented challenges for European film distributors. Distribution is a fragile sector by its...
Apr 20, 2021
FIAD calls for the Know Your Business Customer principle in the DSA to be expanded to intermediaries
FIAD has joined forces with 80 organisations in signing letters sent to the European Parliament and European Council in saying that “Know...
Mar 19, 2021
FIAD & 110+ cultural organisations call on Member States to include culture in recovery strategies
In partnership with a wide array of cultural networks and organisations, FIAD calls on the Member States and the European Commission to...
Mar 17, 2021
FIAD welcomes Parliament's focus on "the situation of artists and the cultural recovery in the EU"
The ongoing COVID-19 crisis presents unprecedented challenges for European film distributors. Distribution is a fragile sector by its...
Jan 22, 2021
FIAD welcomes increase in Creative Europe - MEDIA budget
FIAD alongside 13 other organisations working across the European film and audiovisual sector signed a letter welcoming the budgetary...
Jan 8, 2021
Robert Heslop appointed as FIAD's new Secretary General
The International Federation of Film Distributors' Associations (FIAD) is pleased to announce that Robert Heslop has been appointed the...
Dec 16, 2020
The DSA should upgrade the responsibility of online platforms, not weaken it, says Creativity Works!
FIAD through its membership of Creativity Works! sees the Digital Services Act (DSA) as a unique opportunity to ensure a safe,...
Dec 7, 2020
Rightsholders express concerns to the German government on Copyright Directive Art 17 implementation
FIAD - alongside a broad group of right holders in Europe’s creative sectors - wrote to key actors within the German government to...