Mar 16, 2015
FIAD President advises Commissioner Oettinger on upcoming copyright reform
Following the 65th annual Berlin International Film Festival, FIAD's President, Victor Hadida along with Martin Moszkowicz, Chairman of...

Jan 1, 2015
The Latvian Presidency
On the 1st of January 2015, Latvia took over the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of the European Union from Italy. The programme...

Nov 1, 2014
The new European Commission takes office
After having been confirmed by the European Parliament and the European Council in October 2014, the Juncker Commission took office in...

Aug 22, 2014
Call for Tenders for study on the circulation of European films
The Commission has issued a Call for Tender for a study on the “Circulation of European films: the distribution sector perspective.” As...

Jul 4, 2014
EU Enforcement Action Plan focuses on fight against commercial scale IP infringing activity
On 1 July 2014, the Commission adopted a Communication on an Action Plan to address infringements of intellectual property rights in the...

May 15, 2014
Commission's Recommendation on Digital Film proposes flexible release windows
The European Commission has published the long awaited Communication on European film in the digital era: Bridging cultural diversity and...

May 12, 2014
Preparing for a fully-converged audiovisual world report adopted
On 12 March, at the European Parliament plenary in Strasbourg MEPs voted in favour of adopting ‘Towards a Fully-Converged Audiovisual...

Mar 27, 2014
CJEU rules in ISP blocking case
On the morning of 27 March, the EU’s Court of Justice made its decision in the UPC Telekabel Wien case. The case, on which Advocate...

Feb 27, 2014
Report on private copying levies adopted in European Parliament
On the 27th of February, the Own Initiative report on private copying levies was adopted in the European Parliament plenary with 252 MEPs...

Feb 13, 2014
CJEU decides in hyper-linking case
On 13th February the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) gave its decision in the Nils Svensson and others v Retriever Sverige...